Disability Service Providers, Programs, and Vendors are invited to promote services, opportunities and products to all in-person attendees at the 19th Annual AccessAbility fest Saturday, October 4th, 2025 from 9:00am - 2:00pm at Milam Park. The festival is FREE and OPEN for the public to attend but registration is encouraged. This experience is for individuals with physical, developmental, sensory and/or mental health support needs to explore and gain access to opportunities, recreation, and services in order to overcome barriers to independence, inclusion and quality of life options. ACCESSABILITY FEST REGISTRATION DEADLINES: Early Registration Deadline is September 1st, 2025. Rate increase will be effective beginning August 16th. In addition to early bird pricing, Exhibitor Registration Deadline is October, 2nd 2025. Registrations received after September 9th will be considered, but will not be included in any print materials. Late exhibitor registrations will be accepted based on space availability after this deadline and may be responsible for the provision of their own table and chairs. Print Deadline is Monday, September 9th at 5:00pm Cancellations received after Sept. 9th and event "No Shows" will be held liable for the total amount due. No refunds will be issued after Sept. 9th. COMBO REGISTRATION: Small and Commercial Businesses receive a $100 discount on their parade application fee for participating as both an exhibitor and parade entry. Nonprofit organizations receive a $35 discount on their application fee. Additional parade entry and insurance fees may apply. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Exhibitors are encouraged to provide a game or activity at their booth and bring treats to distribute. Door prize drawings at your booth are encouraged to help collect contact information for the guests visiting your booth. Table location is determined by disABILITYsa based on the order of registration. NO solicitations or sales are allowed at this event outside the Marketplace Vendor area. Service Animals are allowed to be with exhibitors at their booths, no pets allowed. Animal handler permits are required for other animal types present at the event. You may be located in an area where you are able to set-up a pop-up canopy, but weights are REQUIRED. Exhibitor Level Options: Program Partner ($500): Program Partners are investors in the objectives of AccessAbility Fest. Partners will receive special recognition for their support in the planning, implementation and promotion of AccessAbility fest. Includes exhibitor space (1 6ft table and 2 chairs), Business Card Ad***, Basic disABILITYsa Membership, Special listing Program*, and 1 Social Media Push. Partners are asked to consider assigning a staff member to serve on the planning team. Partner Members are asked to partner in the following ways.1) Have a staff member or volunteer serve on the planning team, and 2) Promote the event and graphics on your website, newsletter, and social media networks. Marketplace Vendor: $350 Includes a 6ft table & 2 chairs in the marketplace section of the event. This registration allows you to sell items at the AccessAbility fest in a specific area of the event. If you are a service provider, please note you will not be located within your organization’s service topic area. Early bird discount available before August 15th.
For-profit Exhibitor: $150 early bird / $200 on 9/01 Includes a 6ft table & 2 chairs in your company’s topic area. No solicitation of guests allowed. Nonprofit Exhibitor: $50 early bird / $75 on 09/01 Includes a 6ft table & 2 chairs in your organization’s topic area. No solicitation of guests allowed. Early bird discount available before August 15th. Information Only: $50 Your brochure will be displayed at the disABILITYsa Guest Information Booth and company information printed in the event program directory. Your materials must be in the disABILITYsa offices no later than Wednesday, October 2nd to be eligible for display.
2024 Schedule (2025 Coming Soon)
7:00am – 8:15am
Exhibitor Registration Open 9:00am - 10:00am Resource Festival 10:30am Main Presentation/Ceremony Exhibitor Registration
For more information, please contact
Programs at 210-704-7262 or [email protected] Kameron Chicoine at 210-867-7202 or [email protected] |
Exhibitor Registration Deadline is October 2, 2025.
Registrations received after September 9th will be considered, but will not be included in any print materials. Late exhibitor registrations will be accepted based on space availability after this deadline and may be responsible for the provision of their own table and chairs.
Registrations received after September 9th will be considered, but will not be included in any print materials. Late exhibitor registrations will be accepted based on space availability after this deadline and may be responsible for the provision of their own table and chairs.
* Door prize drawings at your booth are encouraged. *
* NO solicitations or sales are allowed at this event outside of the Marketplace Zone.
Cancellations received after Sept. 9th and event "No Shows" will be held liable for total amount due.
* NO solicitations or sales are allowed at this event outside of the Marketplace Zone.
Cancellations received after Sept. 9th and event "No Shows" will be held liable for total amount due.